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FBA v0.2.96.58

  • 游戏授权:免费下载
  • 更新时间:2020-09-16 19:41:37
  • 游戏大小:90M
  • 游戏语言:简体中文
  • 游戏厂商:未知
  • 隐私:查看隐私
  • 游戏评分:7.2
  • 游戏分类:模拟器
  • 权限:查看权限








This is a fairly big update; changes are summarised below;

Added driver for Diggerman (diggerma)
Added driver for Jockey Grand Prix (jockeygp)
Added driver for Metal Slug 5 (mslug5, ms5plus, ms5pcb)
Added driver for Pochi and Nyaa (pnyaa)
Added driver for Samurai Shodown V (samsho5, samsho5h, samsho5b, samsh5sp, samsh5sh, samsh5sn)
Added driver for SvC Chaos - SNK vs Capcom (svc, svcboot, svcplus, svcplusa, svcsplus, svcpcb, svcpcba)
Added driver for The King of Fighters 2003 (kof2003, kf2k3bl, kf2k3bla, kf2k3pl, kf2k3upl, kf2k3pcb)
Added driver for V-Liner (vliner, vlinero)
Added driver for Zintrick (zintrckb)
Added aof3k to the Art of Fighting 3 driver
Added ct2k3sp to the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 driver
Added kog to the King of Fighters '97 driver
Added lastsold to the Last Blade driver
Added mslug3b6 to the Metal Slug 3 driver
Added ms4plus to the Metal Slug 4 driver
Added fswords to the Samurai Shodown III driver
Added lans2004 to the Shock Troopers 2 driver
Added kof10th, kf10thep, kf2k5uni, kf2k2mp, kf2k2mp2, kf2k2pls, kf2k2pla, kof2k4se to the King of Fighters 2002 driver
ROMset changes to match MAME affecting the kizuna, kof2000, kof2001, kof2002, lastblda, matrim, mslug4, and rbff1 drivers
Added emulation for PVC Protection
Added extra emulation for various bootlegs and gambling games
Enabled a protection patch for Metal Slug X making the game playable
Updated Universe BIOS to latest version (2.2)
Added missing bioses from MAME
Added a compile-time define in the Neo-Geo driver to strictly match the MAME bios set for romset validation purposes
Removed driver for bangbedp

Added the decryption algorithm routines to allow games to be decrytped without XORs
Removed the XORs from drivers where the decryption key is known
Added driver for Hyper Street Fighter 2 (hsf2a)
Added driver for Puzz Loop 2 (pzloop2, pzloop2j)
Added 19xxa to the 19XX driver
Added avspa to the Alien vs Predator driver
Added armwar to the Armored Warriors driver
Added ddsomr1, ddsomr3 to the Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow of Mystara driver
Added ddtodr1 to the Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom driver
Added mshj to the Marvel Super Heroes driver
Added mshvsfj2 to the Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter driver
Added spf2ta to the Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo driver
Added ssf2tbr1 to the Super Street Fighter 2 driver
Added ssf2u to the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo driver
Added xmvsfu to the X-Men vs Street Fighter driver
Emulated the paddles in Puzz Loop 2 (pzloop2, pzloop2j)
ROMset changes to match MAME affecting the armwar, avsp, ddsom, ddtod, dstlk, msh, mshvsf, msvc, progear, sfa, sfa3, sgemf, spf2t, vhunt2, and xmvsf drivers
Corrected the descriptions in the Cyberbots driver
Disabled drivers for games without XORs or decryption keys

Added cawingr1 to the Carrier Air Wing driver
Added ffightua to the Final Fight driver
Fixed the Saturday Night Slam Masters driver so the games now boot
ROMset changes to match MAME affecting the forgottn, sf2, and varth drivers
Removed driver for knightsh

Added driver for Hell Fire (hellfire, hellfir1, hellfir2)
Added driver for Truxton (truxton)
Added driver for Zero wing (zerowing)
Added batsugna to the Batsugun driver
Added outzoneb, outzonec to the Out Zone driver
Fixed the dip switches in the Out Zone driver
ROMset changes to match MAME affecting the bbakraid, dogyuun, outzone and shippumd drivers

Added donpachk to the Donpachi driver
Added theroes to the Gaia driver
Added uopoko to the Puzzle Uo Poko driver
ROMset changes to match MAME affecting the btlkroad, ddonpach, dfeveron, donpach, gaia and uopoko drivers

Added driver for Cooki and Bibi 2
Added driver for Cooki and Bibi 3
Added driver for More More
Added driver for More More Plus
Added driver for Puzzle King
Added driver for Toppy & Rappy
Added driver for Twinkle
Added driver for XESS - The New Revolution (SemiCom 3-in-1)
Added gtstarba to the Guardian driver
Added newsa to the News driver
Added slapftuk, slapfgtr to the Slap Fight driver
Added snowbroc to the Snow Bros. driver
Added solomon to the Solomons Key driver
Added s1945a, s1945k to the Strikers 1945 driver
Added supermanj to the Superman driver
Added tigerhb2 to the Tiger Heli driver
Added daisenpu to the Twin Hawk driver
Fixed the sound generated by the YM2151 in the Final Star Force driver
Fixed the hang bug in the Rastan driver when starting the game
ROMset changes to match MAME affecting the gunbird, opwolf, rastan, s1945, solomon, tengai and tigerh drivers

Added a NODUMP flag for rom definitions and updated DAT file generation and rom scan routines to support it
Increased the max length of a rom name to 32 characters
Added support for the extra V-Liner inputs to the input dialog
Made game selection dialog wider to accomodate longer game titles
Fixed the player descriptions in the input dialog (Player 0 becomes Player 1, etc.)
So, what does this mean for FBA? No new releases are promised in the future. The FBA Team seems to have disbanded a while back and we all seem to be doing different things now. I caught the emulation bug again at the back end of last year and since FBA was rather out of date I have decided to release this update. New releases may follow depending how long the bug lasts....


  • FBA v0.2.96.58










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