Nouvelle version pour cet émulateur PCEngine/TG16 basé sur PC2E:
- Processing related to interrupt was modeled on a real machine more.
(When "Exile(XZR)" was played, the problem to which the image of the
visual scene had been occasionally delayed was solved. When "Varis" was
played, the bug to which the opening demonstration becomes pitch-dark (It
is generated by v0.77) was corrected. And I think the operation timing of
other software has approached a real machine, too.)
- When "Exile(XZR)" was played, It came to be drawn to the visual scene
after the last boss correctly.
- The joy pad setting for "three button pad" can have been preserved.
(The key is allocated in "III[=RUN] button" and "IV[=SELECT] button".)
- "Initialize Pad #1-#5" was added to "Input" menu.
- In specific foreign language input environment (IME), trouble to which the
Joy putt was not able to be set was corrected.
- When "Music CD player" built into "System Card" was played, the problem of
the elapsed time display was corrected.
- The volume balance of CD-DA sound source and a built-in sound source was
modeled on real machine more.